Indian Health Services

Iowa Tribal Health Clinic
3313 Thrasher Rd.
White Cloud, KS 66094
PHONE: (785) 595-3450

Prairie Band Potawatomi Health and Dental Clinic
11400 158th Rd.
Mayetta, KS 66509
PHONE: (785) 966-3027

Haskell Health and Dental Clinic
2415 Massachusetts St.
Lawrence, KS 66046
PHONE: (785) 843- 3750

Community Based Outpatient Clinics

Chanute, KS
Neosho Memorial Medical Center
629 South Plummer
Every Tuesday and Friday
9:00am - 2:30pm
1-800-574-8387 Ext. 54453

Emporia, Kansas
919 W. 12th Avenue, Suite D
Every Monday
9:00am - 2:30pm
1-800-574-8387 Ext. 54453

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